Wednesday, 28 November 2012

What our youth minister wants for Christmas...

            What do I want for Christmas?  I’m glad you asked!  I have a list - it’s not long, but may involve some expense for some - no, for all of us… I want every teenager who could claim they belong to Warragul Anglican Church to have their own Bible, in a version they can easily read.  I want each of them to be able to explain what makes someone a Christian, versus another faith. I want each of them to know in their bones that they belong to our church family, and are wanted, known, respected, valued, and missed when they aren’t there.  I want each of them to know that they have a ministry among us, not only to peers and children younger than themselves, but to the whole church.  I want every one of them to sense Jesus with them, moment by moment, their Saviour, King and Friend.
            Which is why I’m loving our Youth Bible Group on Sunday afternoons - it’s Christmas every week, because I’m seeing our teens sharing their knowledge and questions and concern for their school mates and hopes about life with each other, and I’m seeing them grow in maturity and love and knowledge of God week by week.  It’s why I love spotting our teens on the sound desk and in the music group and reading the Bible and welcoming, and especially chatting with folk of every age over morning tea.  And why I get a thrill when I hear someone praying for our kids - and even more when I hear our kids praying.
            I’m really looking forward to the combined St Paul’s School and WAC Carols on 9th December, because some of our teens are going to minister to us in music that night.  That same morning, we’re going to celebrate as a few more young’uns graduate from Salt Club and take their place among the adults on Sundays, 
and I’m excited, because I’m looking forward to hearing them lead us in prayer, challenge us to share our faith, show us the way as they welcome people over a plate of biscuits, spur us on to give to people in need, and step up to be the leaders of the next generation.
            And I’m bouncing in my chair as I look forward to Sunday 16th December, when a couple of our teens plan to confirm that this faith we share is their faith, before the Bishop and the whole church. 
            After all this, unwrapping presents on the 25th could be a bit lame…!

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